In keeping with tradition, I'll forewarn everyone about the nature of my rants. These are adult oriented topics utilizing adult oriented language. These topics aren't for the faint of heart or the "polite" family to discuss in mixed company. Persons under the mental age of objective reasoning should not read them. There are many things in this world that wind up pissing us off and I'm just the person that's willing to SAY what is pissing me off. So, saddle up, grab your bootstraps and pull on your big boy/girl undies and settle in for a trip through the world I live in.
U.S Foreign Policy. Is it just me, or does the United States need to step back from the world stage for about two decades and spend some time unfucking its own problems for a while? I mean really. The world can kiss my rosy red white and blue ass. When there's a perceptible problem on the horizon, the U.N steps in and ushers forth its helium hand instrument of destruction. A.K.A The United States of America. This inevitably causes the global community to go up in arms and start protesting that the U.S needs to mind its own business with choice phrases such as "no blood for oil" or whatever other stupid shit the French can come off with quickly. (by the way, the gulf war is/was the biggest crock of shit George Bush ever persuaded this country into participating in ... more on that later) But whenever something truly tragic happens and we aren't there within 14 strokes of a dead mans watch, whoa!
You know what. It's about time the world just sucks it up and gets bent. Who comes to our aid when the shit hits the fan? Where was England with their naval carriers when the levies broke free? Where was Japan with their earthquake knowhow when the big one rocked Los Angles? I'll tell you where they were. They were MINDING THEIR OWN FUCKING BUISNESS! (just for clarification. Yes, we did receive monetary aid and volunteers DID come over to help. But not one single country sent their military out en masse to help our dire situations, unlike what seems to be expected of us.) These countries have their issues, I'll grant you that. But are they begging China to buy up their debt so that they can fund a war on foreign soil? *blink*
Immigration. First and foremost let me state that I am an American mutt. I have nearly every nationality from Northern Europe coursing through my veins. I am also 1/8 Cherokee Indian. I get that this country is founded on immigration. I do. We're a diverse melting pot of heritage, ideals and nationalities. I feel that this diversity is what makes our country a model (populace wise) of what the human race will resemble across the globe one day. But lets get something straight. We speak ENGLISH! The predominate spoken language is english. If you are a legal immigrant, you know this because it's pointed out during the naturalization process. That being said, learn the fucking language or get the fuck out. I wouldn't expect to move to Mexico with the intent of making it my home without knowing the language. And I DAMN sure wouldn't expect to get a JOB without at least SOME modicum functioning application of the spanish language. The same goes for Germany, Russia, Japan or even France. You learn the language of the indigenous populace. If you want to speak your native tongue in the privacy of your own home, that's your business. But when I call for customer support and have to select ENGLISH as my language, it kind of gets my blood boiling. What REALLY pisses me off is when, even after selecting english, I get some Rubbermaid jerk off fresh off the boat that barely understands that my last bill was incorrect and I would like to address specific items on this bullshit data plan. Oddly enough, the United States is the only country that makes apologies for people not being able to get a job due to a language barrier. Go over to Germany and see if the phrase "You want fries with that?" gets you anywhere. We bend over backwards, in so many ways, for so many other people that we've lost our own identity as Americans. We're supposed to be "The land of the free and home of the brave" but what we're turning into is "The land of handouts and socialist reform."
And another thing, sadly, this applies to people coming across the Mexican border but it isn't just Mexicans. But how to tell the difference eh? Anyway, QUIT littering the ground with your trash as you come here. There's quite literally an area in the Sonoran Desert just South of Tucson, Arizona that is littered beyond recognition by illegal immigrants. You know that this says to me? "Ah, I'm in America, allow me to begin shitting on all of you. Where are my food stamps?" If they can't at least pick up their own crap when they get here, how do you think they're going to treat any property the occupy or behave in a job that they may be under qualified for? Seriously, I'm not against immigration. I say, the more the merrier. But at least do it legally. There are ways to get your family and yourself immigrated to the United States without trashing our landscape. Oh ... and learn the fucking language.
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